Saturday, March 10, 2007

After Words

Life is so fleeting. It can be here and gone in an instant. Blindsided, struck with no warning, vulnerable, dead at the scene. How do you recover from something like that? How does one begin to recover both physically and mentally? How do the survivors cope with the loss, and the grief? That feeling, this awful anxiety, this feeling of impending doom, what ever you want to call it - I can’t shake it. Life is so precious, every second.

Wednesday, March 07, 2007

A Parent Wonders

A parent wonders when their child grows up......

What one thing will I wish I had done differently?
Will they still think I was a good parent when they're grown?
Will I be happy with what I did for them vs what I didnt do?
Did the things that mattered at the time really matter in the end?
What should I have said?
What should I have done?
Would my parents have approved?
Would it make a huge difference?
Did it really matter?
What was the cost, in the long run?
